As the nation’s first and longest-running Spanish-language sports network, FOX Deportes is home to a highly connected, engaged and loyal Hispanic audience. Deportes airs some of sports’ biggest properties, including: Liga MX, NFL, MLB, Premier Boxing Champions, Major League Soccer, and many more.

News & Talk Shows

Live three times per day, Central FOX provides all the relevant sports information fans need to know. The show’s primetime edition is hosted by the experienced José Pablo Coello and the Emmy-nominated Marion Reimers.

El Chiringuito de Jugones has become one of the most popular sports programs with Spanish-language viewers across the world. Five nights a week, the show offers viewers the best debate and analysis around Spain’s top soccer league La Liga.

El Entretiempo summarizes the day’s sports news alongside passionate debate, interviews and expert analysis from preeminent sports television personalities like: Rodolfo Landeros, John Laguna and Mariano Trujillo.

NFLeros sets the standard for football shows in the Hispanic Sports Cable space by immersing fans in the NFL experience with a unique Latin style perspective. The weekly show features player interviews, news, and insights from some of the most recognized Hispanic names in sports and entertainment.

Gamers Elite features FOX Deportes’ lead soccer talent, Rodolfo Landeros, and former player Mariano Trujillo, as they compete against the biggest athletes in a gaming live stream. In addition to the baner, fans love that all games are called by FOX Deportes’ legendary soccer commentator, John Laguna.

Fox Deportes' team of experts passionately debate Mexican soccer, FIFA competitions, the UEFA Champions League and all the most important soccer leagues and tournaments.

Led by Majo Montemayor, Jorge Carlos Mercader and Eric Fischer, TOTAL SPORTS provides a comprehensive look at the top storylines in the sports world, including NFL, MLB, global soccer, combat sports, motor sports and more.

With a comprehensive and detailed approach, Majo Montemayor, Jorge Carlos Mercader and Eric Fischer share the latest news in the world of sports, as well as exclusive interviews, analysis and more.