Streaming Trend 8: Seamless Streaming Experiences Keep Viewers Engaged
When it comes to streaming services with staying power, a smooth experience is the star of the show. And it starts even before viewers hit play.
Viewers spend up to three hours a week searching for content they want to watch—and even when they do search for something specific, almost half don’t find what they’re looking for. This negative user experience leads 31% to leave the app, with 37% moving over to a different streaming service and 31% giving up completely and switching activities.
Most of Gen Z relies on streaming services’ recommendations to find content, but 54% think they miss the mark with stale and redundant suggestions. That leaves 63% feeling like the hunt for content to watch is a waste of time, especially if the search itself isn’t frictionless.
Meanwhile, over half (52%) of viewers say easy navigation keeps them watching, and well-placed ad breaks can play a supporting role in keeping audiences glued to the screen. Thirty-five percent prefer the standard ad break, strategically placed to coincide with convenient breaks in the story. For free ad-supported streaming services like Tubi, these ads are unskippable, leaving marketers with a captive audience.
The takeaway: Brands that are able to embrace the flow of the content they’re paired with will make for an enhanced viewing experience and improved stickiness with streamers.